"I illustrate my inner thoughts and daily wonders"

"I find it exciting how illustration is able to convey something that is strange and impossible.
Parallel worlds mixed in with the ordinary"
A little bit about me...
Hi, I'm Hannah

I'm Kundalini and Yin yoga teacher based in London.
I am also an illustrator!
My approach to yoga is through kindness & gentleness. Being kind & gentle to both our bodies and our minds. My teaching focuses on the awareness of the body, feeling into what it needs, cultivating a deep understanding and mind body connection. A focus on an embodied yoga practice has supported my own journey of finding stillness.
The ritual of rolling out the mat, creating a sacred space, lighting a candle to honour the divine within are some of my adored aspects of my practice and teaching. I am passionate about holding a kind, safe and transformational space for my clients.
My illustrations, comics and narratives relate to my inner thoughts and daily wonders. I find it exciting how illustration is able to convey something that is strange and impossible. Parallel universes, alternate realities and fantastical places are what I like to explore, as well as the very mundane...
For me, yoga and illustration are tools to be present, to be in the body, a meditative practice, and an exploration of the internal self.